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Bluebook Help Center
Technology Help Center
Which tests do students take on Bluebook?
How can I contact Customer Support?
How should we handle technical issues on test day?
What can I do to minimize technical testing disruptions?
What is a technology monitor?
When are technical requirements for Bluebook updated?
Device Readiness
What are the minimum specifications for devices using Bluebook?
How can I make sure my students have the right version of the Bluebook testing app on test day?
How do I prepare school-managed devices for students taking SAT Weekend?
When should I install Bluebook on student testing devices?
Does Bluebook auto-update?
How can students install Bluebook themselves?
Network Readiness
What are the network requirements for Bluebook™?
How do I make sure my network can support Bluebook™ exams?
How do I get the most accurate speed test results?
What do I need to know when I interpret my speed test results?
How can I find out how many students can test in each room?
What should I do if my network fails the speed test?
Chromebook Tips
How do I know if my Chromebooks are school managed?
What is kiosk mode and why is it necessary?
How does kiosk mode change the way students use their Chromebooks?
Which organizational unit should I use to install Bluebook?
How do I enable accessibility features on Chromebooks?
How do I clear user profiles from my Chromebooks?
Windows Tips
What are some useful switches to help school administrators with the app installations?
What happens if I install the app in other folders?
Are there any command line switches for a different folder other than the user's own AppData folder?
What happens if I modify the EXE file?
Can I install the digital testing app outside the AppData folder?
Is an MSI installer available?
Bluebook Troubleshooting
How can I contact Customer Support?
The application prompts the user for elevated permissions when trying to auto-update. What should I do?
What if a student can’t reach the Bluebook sign-in screen?
What if the student can’t sign in to Bluebook?
What if the student’s device doesn’t have enough free space?
What if the student can’t access the test with the start code?
Test Day Toolkit Troubleshooting
What if staff didn’t get a verification code or their code doesn’t work?
What if my staff or I didn’t get a Test Day Toolkit access email?
What if staff don’t have a College Board account?
What if staff sign in successfully but can’t use Test Day Toolkit?
How do staff get access to Test Day Toolkit?
How can test coordinators print a room directory to post on test day?