Technical Readiness Checklist

Work with your school or district technology staff to make sure you’re ready for test day.


  1. Tell technology staff you’re getting ready for digital testing.

    • You’ll need to work with staff who manage your school’s network and devices.
    • They should check internet connectivity in each testing room, configure the network, and prepare school-managed testing devices.
  2. Ask technology staff about networks. Testing won’t work unless your network is configured to support Bluebook™ testing.

    • Will the network speed in each testing room support the expected number of test takers?
    • Who can configure the network for testing?
    • Who can I contact if I need help with the network on test day?
  3. Ask technology staff about testing devices.

    • Will our school-managed devices support Bluebook testing requirements?
    • Who can install Bluebook on school-managed devices?
  4. Recruit a technology monitor.

    • Technology monitors use our simple troubleshooting tips to help students on test day.
    • They don’t require technical expertise.
    • They need to be on-site.
    • For SAT Weekend, recruit 1 technology monitor.
    • For AP Exams, SAT School Day, and PSAT-related assessments schools can recruit more than 1 technology monitor if needed.
  5. Direct students who test on personal devices to download Bluebook.

  6. Set up Test Day Toolkit.

    • Test Day Toolkit is an integral part of Bluebook—digital testing isn’t possible without it.
  7. Check readiness the week before test day.

    • If applicable, connect to Wi-Fi on a personal device in a testing room to make sure the network is set up for guest internet access.
    • Add all testing staff to Test Day Toolkit and make sure they can sign in.
    • For in-school testing, avoid potential delays by asking students to open Bluebook before test day so it can auto-update if needed. They don’t need to sign in. 
    • Make sure technology staff took all device readiness steps. Refer them to the Chromebook Checklist if your students will use Chromebooks.