Technical Readiness Checklist

Work with your school or district technology staff to make sure you’re ready for test day.


  1. Tell technology staff you’re getting ready for digital testing.

    • You’ll need to work with staff who manage your school’s network and devices.
    • They should check internet connectivity in each testing room, configure the network, and prepare school-managed testing devices.
  2. Ask technology staff about networks. Testing won’t work unless your network is configured to support Bluebook™ testing.

    • Will the network speed in each testing room support the expected number of test takers?
    • Who can configure the network for testing?
    • Who can I contact if I need help with the network on test day?
  3. Ask technology staff about testing devices.

    • Will our school-managed devices support Bluebook testing requirements?
    • Who can install Bluebook on school-managed devices?
    • If your students will test on Chromebooks, make sure they configure devices for students who test with accommodations. 
  4. Recruit a technology monitor.

    • Technology monitors use our simple troubleshooting tips to help students on test day.
    • They don’t require technical expertise.
    • They need to be on-site.
    • For SAT Weekend, recruit 1 technology monitor.
    • For AP Exams, SAT School Day, and PSAT-related assessments schools can recruit more than 1 technology monitor if needed.
  5. Direct students who test on personal devices to download Bluebook.

  6. Set up Test Day Toolkit—digital testing isn’t possible without it.

  7. Check readiness the week before test day.

    • If applicable, connect to Wi-Fi on a personal device in a testing room to make sure the network is set up for guest internet access.
    • Add all testing staff to Test Day Toolkit and make sure they can sign in.
    • For in-school testing, avoid potential delays by asking students to open Bluebook before test day so it can auto-update if needed. They don’t need to sign in. 
    • Make sure technology staff took all device readiness steps.