
In-School Testing and Answer Submission

If you’re a test coordinator for SAT School Day or PSAT-related assessments or an AP coordinator, one of your most important test day responsibilities is to make sure every student's answers are submitted to College Board. 

Proctors should verify answer submission before they dismiss students; use the instructions on this page if students had to be dismissed before their answers were submitted. 

Note: You avoid scoring issues—and make sure colleges and scholarship programs get reports promptly—if you act quickly to help students with submission issues. 

Good to Know

  • If students don’t have an internet connection when they run out of testing time, their answers can’t be submitted automatically.
  • Proctors and technology monitors can solve most submission issues using the troubleshooting tips in their manuals.
  • Students need to submit their answers using the same device they tested on. Never use the device swap feature after a student’s testing time runs out.
  • Students who test on a shared device should keep that device until they successfully submit their answers.
  • For AP Exams, answers must be submitted within 4 days.
  • For SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments, answers must be submitted within 24 hours.

Check Answer Submission Status in Test Day Toolkit

You can ask proctors if any of their students had trouble submitting answers, but you should also check in Test Day Toolkit:

  1. Go to All Students in Test Day Toolkit and sort your roster by testing status.
  2. Look for students who were marked present but don’t have a Submitted status. 
  3. If your school is administering multiple tests, check the roster for each.

Check Answer Submission Status in Bluebook  

If Test Day Toolkit shows that some of your students were marked present but don’t have a Submitted status, check Bluebook in case the Test Day Toolkit status is out of date. 

AP Exams

Ask students to sign in to Bluebook and check their homepage. If their answers were submitted, the exam will be listed on the Past tab and display the message “Your answers have been submitted!”

SAT School Day and PSAT-Related Assessments

  1. Use the student’s sign-in ticket to sign in to Bluebook on the same device they tested on. Find out how to print a sign-in ticket.  

  2. If there’s a test card on the student’s Bluebook homepage, click the Submit Answers button. No further action is required if you see the Congratulations page with animated confetti. But if you see an Answer Submission Pending screen, College Board will contact you about the student’s test. 

  3. If you don’t see the test card on the student’s Bluebook homepage, click Past to view past tests. You should see the test card with the message “Your answers have been submitted!”  

Help Students Whose Answers Weren’t Submitted

If you and your staff were unable to resolve answer submission issues before students left the testing room, take these steps:

Step 1: Protect student answers on shared devices until they’re submitted to College Board. 

  • If students who tested on a shared device couldn’t keep the device, set it aside. 

  • Tell technology staff not to uninstall Bluebook, delete any data or user profiles, or let other students use the device. 

  • Don’t use the device swap feature—student answers could be lost.  

Step 2: Remind students and parents to avoid scoring delays by submitting answers as soon as possible. 

  • They’ll need to sign in to Bluebook again when they have an internet connection and click Submit Answers on their Bluebook homepage. 

  • For AP Exams, students sign in with their College Board account. 

  • For SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments, students sign in with the credentials on their sign-in ticket. 

If the Issue Isn’t Resolved 

If answer submission is still incomplete after 24 hours, we’ll send you an email with further instructions. While College Board will eventually submit a student’s responses for them, you can reduce the chance of score delays by acting promptly.    


How do I print sign-in tickets for the SAT Suite of Assessments?

To print sign-in tickets for administrations of SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments: 

  1. Click Downloads on the homepage. 

  2. On the Print Tickets tab, select sort and layout options. 

  3. Click Print Tickets to download the PDF. 

  4. Use your printer’s single-sided option to print the PDF. 

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