New and Updated Features
Here’s a roundup of spring 2025 changes to Bluebook and Test Day Toolkit.
Student Experience in Bluebook
Embedded text-to-speech: Students with College Board–approval for the text-to-speech accommodation have access to a text-to-speech toolbar throughout Bluebook. No special device requirements or installation steps are required.
End-early option for students with approved accommodations for extended time: Once standard testing time elapses, students can click a Next button to move ahead or end the test. Before the section ends, they’ll see a confirmation screen that warns them that they won’t be able to return to it later.
Coordinator and Staff Experience in Test Day Toolkit
Get tips for using the features listed below.
New options for adding staff: Use the file upload wizard to add new staff via CSV file or use a table to enter data for multiple staff at once.
Reuse rooms across concurrent administrations: Save time by adding the same room to concurrent administrations. No need to create the same room for multiple AP Exams and tests in the SAT Suite.
Coordinator role assignment: Assign SSD coordinators and other staff the coordinator role so they can use Test Day Toolkit to help manage rooms and staff—no need to call us. (AP Exams, SAT School Day, and PSAT-related assessments only.)
Grade level added to roster: Add a grade-level column to the All Students page. You can then filter and sort by grade level and use bulk actions to quickly assign students to rooms by grade. (SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments only.)
Bluebook Technical Requirements
Share these updates with technology staff at your school or district:
- We’ve shared more details about our cadence for testing Bluebook on new OS versions and updating requirements. Learn more about our Technical Requirements Policy.
- After consulting closely with our partners at Google, we now align our recommended ChromeOS maximum to the stable channel.
- We certified higher versions of MacOS and iPadOS.
- We’ve changed keyboard recommendations and requirements for students testing on tablets.
Learn more about Device Requirements.