

How do I set up an SAT Suite of Assessments retest and what can I do to prevent issues?

To set up a retest of SAT School Day or a PSAT-related assessment, start by submitting a retest irregularity form in Test Day Toolkit. Instructions are available in the SAT Suite of Assessments Test Coordinator Manual.

Next, make an informed decision about when to retest, keeping the following points in mind:

  • Retest forms can take a full business day to process.
  • Retest forms must be submitted within 5 days of testing or 3 days before the close of your testing window, whichever is shorter.
  • If we’re unable to score a student’s test, we’ll notify you within 5 days of their test day so you can retest them. If you’re administering tests on more than one day, consider waiting until 5 days after your last test day so you can retest all students at once. 

Finally, make sure the problem that prevented successful testing last time was resolved. Guidance for common issues is shared below.

Chromebook issues. Direct technology staff to the Chromebook Checklist to review device readiness steps, including:

  • Clearing user profiles to free up space and prevent loss of student answers.
  • Enabling the Chromebook screen reader and other accessibility features in kiosk mode. 

Faulty battery, insufficient free space, and other device issues. Provide the student with a different testing device. If that’s not possible consult with school technology staff.

Missing or illegible test content. Provide the student with a different testing device. If that’s not possible consult with school technology staff.

Incorrect student information or accommodations. Don’t start a retest unless Test Day Toolkit lists the correct information and accommodations.

Internet issues. Ask technology staff if you should test in rooms with stronger Wi-Fi and if the network is configured to let required traffic pass through. Refer them to the Network Readiness Checklist.

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