
Sharing Test Day Toolkit Tasks

Like many coordinators, you probably have a lot to do and little time to do it, but you don’t have to do all Test Day Toolkit setup work yourself. You can assign the coordinator role to a colleague and they’ll have access to the same features you do. They won’t receive College Board communications sent only to the primary AP coordinators and test coordinators. 

Note: This option is for AP Exams, SAT School Day, and PSAT-related assessments; it’s not available for SAT Weekend.

Why Assign Staff the Coordinator Role

If you assign staff the coordinator role, they can access these features:

  • Adding and assigning staff
  • Adding and updating rooms
  • Room directories
  • Sign-in tickets and data export (SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments)
  • Submitting irregularities to College Board (SAT and PSAT-related assessments)

This access could come in handy if:

  • You have a backup coordinator who fills in for you as needed.
  • You’re coordinating a large administration or administering multiple tests during the same testing window.  
  • Your SSD coordinator is administering tests to students with College Board–approved accommodations.

Guidelines for Choosing Coordinators

  • Anyone assigned the coordinator role in Test Day Toolkit must meet all coordinator qualifications listed in College Board publications.  
  • Keep in mind that they’ll have access to the personal information of other staff.
  • You can assign the coordinator role to district and state staff actively involved in your administration. For an overview across all schools, they should use the District Test Day Readiness Dashboard.

How to Assign the Coordinator Role

Just add colleagues to the administration as you would other test day staff and then assign them the coordinator role by selecting it from the role dropdown menu. These coordinators, like other staff, must be added to each administration they’ll take part in.

Suggestions for Delegating Tasks

Consider the ideas listed below. Except for assigning a colleague the coordinator role, these suggestions don’t require special steps in Test Day Toolkit.

Delegate by test: There’s only one student roster per test, so we don’t recommend sharing the work for a single test. If you decide to do this anyway, take steps to avoid duplicating effort. For instance, you can split the work by grade level or test day when you set up SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments.

Delegate by time or place: There are many ways to split the work by time and place. For instance, you can ask your colleague to take charge of all afternoon or Week 2 AP Exams or all testing rooms on the second floor. You might also delegate off-site testing because it requires some extra steps.  

Delegate accommodated testing: Ask your SSD coordinator or another colleague to focus on rooms where students test with accommodations.

Delegate by mode (AP Exams only): Test Day Toolkit is used for two AP Exam testing modes, hybrid digital and fully digital. Since procedures differ, it could be simpler for each coordinator to focus on one mode.

Delegate retesting (SAT School Day and PSAT-related assessments only): If your retest administration of one test overlaps with your primary administration of another test, you can ask your colleague to coordinate retesting.