

I’m not confident about our internet—what can I do to avoid test day issues?

If you’re concerned about internet reliability and speed on test day, there’s a lot you can do to avoid test day issues.  

First, make sure you understand Bluebook network requirements: 

  • Bluebook is designed to minimize bandwidth needs. 

  • Students can keep testing if their connection drops momentarily. 

  • Demands on the network are greatest at the beginning and end of testing. 

  • Because each student starts their test when they enter a code, their start and stop times are never perfectly simultaneous, even if they hear the start code at the same time.   

Next, ask school or district technology staff for help as soon as possible: 

  1. Work with them to run speed tests. 

  2. Ask for their advice when selecting testing rooms. 

  3. Make sure they understand the configuration requirements. 

  4. Let them know if students need to connect to school Wi-Fi on personal devices. Important: This is required for SAT Weekend test centers. 

  5. Show them the complete Network Readiness Checklist. 

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