How do I add and remove staff and assign them to rooms?
To add returning staff to an upcoming administration:
- Navigate to the Staff page.
- Click Select returning staff from the Add Staff dropdown menu.
- Check the boxes next to staff names.
- Click Add Selected Staff.
To add new staff to Test Day Toolkit:
- Go to the Test Day Staff page in Test Day Toolkit and click Add Staff.
- To add new staff in bulk, click Upload file and follow the instructions for downloading the template, completing it, and uploading it.
- To enter staff names and contact details directly in to Test Day Toolkit, click Add to table and complete a row for each new staff member.
To remove staff from a test administration or make other changes:
- Go to the Test Day Staff page in Test Day Toolkit.
- Find the staff name and select an option in the Actions column.
After you remove staff from a test administration, they’ll remain on your staff list so it’s easy to add them to another one.