

How do I add and remove staff and assign them to rooms?

To add returning staff to an upcoming administration:

  1. Navigate to the Staff page.
  2. Click Select returning staff from the Add Staff dropdown menu.
  3. Check the boxes next to staff names.
  4. Click Add Selected Staff.

To add new staff to Test Day Toolkit:  

  1. Go to the Test Day Staff page in Test Day Toolkit and click Add Staff.  
  2. To add new staff in bulk, click Upload file and follow the instructions for downloading the template, completing it, and uploading it.  
  3. To enter staff names and contact details directly in to Test Day Toolkit, click Add to table and complete a row for each new staff member.

To remove staff from a test administration or make other changes:  

  1. Go to the Test Day Staff page in Test Day Toolkit.  
  2. Find the staff name and select an option in the Actions column. 

After you remove staff from a test administration, they’ll remain on your staff list so it’s easy to add them to another one.  

Learn more about Test Day Toolkit.  

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