
Best Way to Check Technical Readiness

Students who take SAT School Day, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9 participate in a digital readiness check first. Don’t miss this opportunity to check your network and device readiness. 

During these group sessions, students sign in to the Bluebook testing app the way they will on test day, complete exam setup, and try a test preview. It’s up to your test coordinator to schedule the digital readiness check, but we recommend conducting it as early as possible. 

What You’ll Learn

To identify and fix disruptive issues before test day, partner with your test coordinator to simulate test day conditions during the digital readiness check. You’ll find out if: 

  • Your network is configured correctly. 

  • Testing rooms have enough bandwidth.  

  • Bluebook is installed correctly. 

  • Testing devices meet requirements. 

  • Students who need assistive technology can use it. 

  • Personal devices can connect to the internet using school Wi-Fi. 

How to Make the Most of the Digital Readiness Check

  1. Partner with your test coordinator to simulate test day conditions as closely as you can. 

  • Use the same devices and rooms students will use on test day. 

  • Schedule sessions with the same number of simultaneous test takers.  

  1. Assess school-managed testing devices and install Bluebook. 

  1. Prepare your network. 

  • Learn about network requirements. Go to Network Readiness 

  • Test network speed and check testing rooms. 

  • Configure your network to let required traffic bypass security appliances and software. 

  1. Make sure your test coordinator has everything they need. 

  • If your students will test on shared managed devices, make sure each room has devices that will be used on test day.  

  • Give your test coordinator network passwords. 

  1. After the digital readiness check, address any issues you found.